September 1, 2005Dear Thresher Family,
I thought you might want to know this news. This Web site is hosted by an IT company based in New Orleans. Remember? We obtained this domain name through their kindness. They are located in a secure and dry skyscraper where their datacenter has remained fully operational through Hurricane Katrina which has otherwise devastated that city.
The staff is safe and well -- some have been working around the clock in New Orleans to keep clients like us running smoothly, and other employees have left to safer locations to keep an eye on the network from afar. Through all the tragedy in that city, it's amazing that we haven't lost service once during this entire disaster. You might like to know that our Web site is currently running on a diesel generator, being maintained by a bunch of techies that care a lot about what they provide for us. Apparently they have enough diesel for 3 weeks of operation, and more being offered by friends all over the country. I have kept our site with this company because of the way they do business, and currently the volume of support pouring in from around the nation is a testimony to their reputation. Of course, I have to think that caring about us so much, their clients, is helping to keep them sane.Please keep these cyberheros at directNIC and Intercosmos Media Group in your thoughts and prayers, as I'm sure you're thinking of all those who are still in so much danger in the wake of this disaster that has not yet passed.Best wishes,Lori
April 13, 2003
Dear Thresher Family,
This past week, I have heard from people all over who remember Thresher and her crew. Most recently I have heard from the people of Nutley, NJ, who in 1963 erected a monument to the memory of a Nutley son, Pervis Robison. This year, for the 40th, they held a memorial, and here is a photo album that was sent to me with this message, and here is a link to the article that appeared in the Nutley "Star Ledger.".
"It is just our small way of letting you and other family members know that you are not alone, the Thresher is not forgotten, and that we all appreciate the sacrifices that were made for our country."
Many thanks to the people of Nutley, New Jersey for their thoughtfulness, and kind remembrance.
- As ever,
- Lori
February 8, 2003
Dear Thresher Family,
It's been one week since the loss of the space shuttle Columbia. Oh, don't our hearts go out to the families of that brave crew!
I have received more letters than usual from people out looking for information about those they have loved and lost. Yes, 40 years later, our brave Thresher crew is well-remembered. I'm glad to hear from any of you if you'd like to write to me.
Best wishes,
January 24, 2003
Dear Thresher Family,
From time to time, someone writes to me, having found this site. They tell me about their memories of the Thresher, and sometimes say that they knew a crew member or had some such connection. Sometimes a new family member finds us, and is happy to see that we're still here!
Recently, I have heard from several people who have sent us gifts. One of them was Brett Moore, whose father Sid had given him a patch. Brett was kind enough to send it to me as something I could pass on to my kids. Cool, huh? Here's a picture of the patch. Click on the patch to see a larger version.
Then, just a few days ago, someone else wrote to me. Bill "Robbie" Roberts of the COB Charleston Base US SubVets ( sent me some photos. Here's one of a Thresher "float" that they made for a Veteran's Day parade. Is that right, Robbie? Lemme know, ok?
Many, many thanks for the people who write, and especially for all those who remember. Wow, what a beautiful sunny day in that picture! Thanks Robbie.
One more thing, this time a request. If you write to me, please let me know if you mind me posting your message on our Web site.
All my best,